
Tax Number

Tax Number

The tax number in turkey is of great importance, as it is considered one of the basic documents required of a person in many offical transactions, starting from obtaining residence, passing through the application for licenses to open companies, to opening bank accounts....., and we at Acuad company, we always do, present to you in this article eveything you want to know about tax number

What is a tax number?

Tax number:It is a number assigned to each person and required in many legal transactions and financial buisness. İt is obtained through the nearest tax directorate and is known in Turkish as VERGI NUMARASI

Tax number extraction:

The tax number is not required as long as the person has the residence card, as it can be obtained by preparing the following documents

• Passport photo

• Any document proving the residential address, an invoice, a rental contract... Then the person goes to the nearest tax directorate within the state where he or she resides and recieves it.

After the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic and to reduce the crowds and congestion in offical departments, most of the transactions in these departments became electronic. Among these transactions is the extraction of a tax number, as the Turkish government launched a link through which the number is allowed to be obtained after filling the requested form with the personal information found on the passport, after which the tax number is sent by sms to the phone number that placed it in the format.

Tax number usages:

The tax number is used in many transactions. As we have said, it is a necessary document that is required to complete many legal, financial, and service matters. İt is necessary to:

• Open a bank account

• Buying a property

• Paying property taxes

• Pay the residence permit fee

• Apply for a turkish driving license

• Owning a car

• Transaction of health insurance in Turkey and all other insurance transactions

Right holders to extract tax number:

The extraction of the tax number in Turkey is available to all foreigners in Turkey

• Short-term residents ( tourist accommodation –family accommodation-student accommodation)

• Long-term residents

• Residents who have a work permit in Turkey

• Foreigners who do not have a residence permit in Turkey

• Syrians who have a Turkish protection card and have a passport


As for those who entered Turkey illegally and did not obtain a residence permit, or those who entered legally, but their passport has expired, they are not entitled to obtain a tax number.

Finally, we would like to point out that the fact a person owns a tax number doesn’t mean that they are obliged to pay taxes, but rather extracting it is important to obtain the services and transactions mentioned in this article.

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