Establishing a company in Turkey

Establishing a company in Turkey

The Turkish market is considered one of the best markets at the present time in terms of growth, distinctive economic movement and the huge percentage of tourism, especially Istanbul, which is the economic capital of Turkey and is mainly targeted by traders

Sometimes, some traders and investors get into legal problems because they do not know enough about legal and financial matters. Before establishing any company, the required information that the investor needs to know.

Types of companies in Turkey:
  • 2 Shareholding Company
  • 3 Limited Partnership
  • 4 Joint Venture

The Acuad family advises you to choose limited liability companies and joint stock companies for several reasons, including:
  • 1 Safe company: What is meant by the Germans is that the company’s responsibility rests with your share in it, for example, if you have a car that you own and a car that you contribute to the company, that is, it is in the name of the company and if the company loses and declares bankruptcy, God forbid, at that time the state will cease your share In the company only and has nothing to do with your personal money
  • 2 A flexible company: as it allows you to have many activities at the same time, limited liability companies do not limit your work to one activity
  • 3 It does not require reserved capital in the bank: that is, you do not have to have your capital retained inside the bank, but you will need only part of it during the establishment period, and then you withdraw the amount naturally
As for the papers required to establish a company in Turkey, Acuad Company does not ask you for any papers. All you need is to have a valid passport, and Acuad Company will obtain all the required documents for you, such as:
  • Passport copy translated and certified (programming and attestation are carried out)
  • Your tax number (Acuad extracts it)
  • Security approval that allows you to establish your company in Turkey (Acuad extracts it)
  • The origin of the agency in the event that one of the partners is not present within the Turkish territory, knowing that the person abroad cannot be appointed as a director of the company
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